November 28, 2008

Tis the Season

Happy Holidays... from my house to yours.

This small blog this week is being written to encourage you to keep an open heart towards others around you this Holiday Season.

This time of year can cause people to go through a wide range of emotions... it's also a time of the year where we can become very selfish and self-centered. If you would start this practice of keeping an open heart right now... who knows it might just carry over as a new habit in 2009. What a great concept that would be.

As I look out into our society, I see people who have become hard hearted and have no joy during this time of year, but if you've read any of my blogs, you'd know me well enough to know I'm not just talking about the people who haven't reached out to Christ... I'm also talking about us Christians who do know and have accepted Christ.

People are getting so wrapped up in their own little world that they no longer see what's going on in the lives of others... not to mention the fact that we don't have the time to see the hearts or hurts of others. WHY? Because we've got to much to do and don't have enough time to get it done.

One of the facts that I've discovered in the Bible is that Jesus was a busy man... but He made the time, and if you read about His life you'd discover that there we're times when He would just change His busy schedule to reach out towards others. To me that's what a true disciple should do, follow the teachings and steps of the Teacher.

What most people need in our life time are not more presents... they need more presence... Not just Gods... they need ours too. When people are talking, do we listen? When their sharing pain, do we feel it? When they hurt, do we care?

We're so busy getting ready to do our own things, that we are failing miserably at what we're supposed to be doing. LOVING OTHERS.

I write this post not for the purpose of making you mad, but if I do...OH WELL. If what I'm sharing with you hits a nerve, then maybe... just maybe God is trying to show you something.

All I want for Christmas is for people to see that Jesus not only died for our sins, He also lived as an example of how we should live. He gave His all and this Holiday... maybe we should do the same. Give our all.

We have so much in this country and yet we still lack the gift of love. Maybe this year, you'll give something to somebody you don't even know, give them your love and undivided attention.

God bless you, and I pray that this post helps you with the gift that keeps on giving this year.

In His service
Pastor Dough